Who is zero-pete


Education and training across the traditions

  • MD and specialization in kidney disease at Cornell Medical center, 1990

  • Training with various teachers in the technique of Hatha Yoga since 2008

  • Regular meditation practice since 2013

  • Training and certification in the MBSR method of Jon Kabat-Zinn : Boston, MA 2016-2018

  • Holotropic breathwork workshop with Stan Grof: Oakland, CA 2017

  • Tummo ( Tibetan meditation) retreat with Tulku Lobsang: Seattle, WA 2017

  • Completion of numerous meditation retreats (some silent) in locations such as Shambala (Boulder, CO), IMS (Boston, MA), Omega (Rhinebeck, NY),and IONS (Petaluma, CA and Ft Lauderdale, FL)

  • Pete has completed his certification in psychedelic sciences and research with the class of 2019 at the California Institute for Integral Studies (CIIS)


Pete Reddy has been a practitioner of yoga since 2007, and a student of meditation since 2014. He has recently completed the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course at the Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts School of Medicine. He is qualified to teach MBSR and has conducted many workshops reaching a diverse audience.

Pete has practiced with Meditation Masters in the Tibetan, Sri Lankan, Burmese, Thai, and Zen -style practices, and has attended retreats and training sessions with renowned teachers at the Insight Meditation Society, the Shambhala Mountain Center, the Omega Institute NY, and at IONS in California. Dr. Reddy’s extensive work in Vipassana meditation, where extended periods of silence are the norm, has broadened his approach and understanding of the meditative process. 

Pete is a qualified MBSR instructor who incorporates the practice of mindfulness into his medical practice. Dr. Reddy integrates mindfulness into patient care in areas such as pain management, physiological and psychological challenges, in addition to general applications in everyday life, stressors, and relationships.

Extensive travel in Nepal, Tibet, Peru, and Colombia has exposed Pete to various shamanic practices. His travels include trekking in Tibet Mt. Kailash area and Nepal visiting many of the caves which have been continually inhabited for 2500 years.

Dr. Reddy works with individuals and groups in mindfulness training in a secular and scientific way, incorporating empirical evidence into his practice and reinforcing an Integral and neuroscientific aspect. Pete also works with traditional Shamanic healers from Peru, incorporating some of their ancient traditions into his practice of meditation. 

Practice in mindfulness, which has a 2500-year history, strengthens and supports the belief that meditation and mindfulness can actually change the brain’s structure and effect patterned behaviors. With time and practice, these techniques can adapt physiologically, resulting in a calm mind and increased equanimity.

Dr. Reddy’s teachers include the faculty at the Shambhala Mountain Center, Colorado; IMS Boston; and the instructors of the MBSR Program, all whom have over 30 years in training and practice. The MBSR program was founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts. Kabat-Zin, was attending MIT when he became interested in the Zen practice, studying techniques and adapting them to suit a secular and scientific audience.