
As a natural extension of yoga and meditation Pete went to Tarapoto,Peru and worked with a Master Shaman Dioniso Santos. It was an ideal context, as Dioniso is well recognized as a Master Shaman with over 25 years experience in the field. His wife Aubery is trained in Aurveda and Iyengar Yoga.


The life-changing and yet ineffable nature of the experience led Pete to attend the World Ayahusca conference in Ibiza spain where was able to meet and interact with neuroscientists, anthropologists, yoga and mediation practitioners, shamans and explorers of the inner space.


Dennis Mckenna, Caludio Narajno, Gabor Mate, and neuroscientists from Barcelona and Brazil among others were present and their influence on Pete was considerable.


Pete regularly interacts with scientists in this field at international conferences. Pete sees ayahausca as the single most important thing he did in this short  lifetime of his and holds the plant spirits and the people of the Amazonia very dear to his heart.


Pete has travelled in brazil Columbia equador but his favorite is Peru. Ayahuasca is the real Quori (“gold” in Quechua), and not the shiny metal the Spanish plundered. 

As a natural extension of his training in yoga and meditation, Pete went to Tarapoto, Peru where he explored the traditions of Amazonian shamanism and mestizo vegetalismo under the guidance of various shamans.

The life-changing and yet ineffable nature of the experience motivated Pete to attend the World Ayahuasca conference in Ibiza, where was able to meet and interact with neuroscientists, anthropologists, yoga and mediation practitioners, as well as shamans and explorers of inner space.

Dennis Mckenna, Caludio Narajno, Gabor Mate, and neuroscientists from Barcelona and Brazil (among others) shared their insight and research, and their influence on Pete was considerable.

Pete regularly interacts with scientists in this field at international conferences. He sees ayahuasca as the single most important thing he did in this short  lifetime of his and holds the plant spirits and the people of the Amazonia very dear to his heart. Ayahuasca is the real Quori (“gold” in Quechua), and not the shiny metal that the Spanish plundered. 

Peruvian Ayahuasca

Peruvian Ayahuasca


Sting Talks About His Ayahuasca Experience