Psychedelic Training

Pete has completed his certification in psychedelic sciences and research with the class of 2019 at the California Institute for Integral Studies (CIIS)

CIIS is one of the few certification programs in the psychedelic sciences in the USA for this nascent field.

CIIS was forged in San Francisco’s crucible of 60’s counter-culture, alternative spirituality, and higher education. CIIS evolved as an educational branch of the Cultural Integration Fellowship founded by Dr Haridas Chaudhuri, after he was invited to San Francisco by Stanford University Professor Frederick Spielberg and Alan Watts, at the recommendation of the renowned Indian philosopher-mystic Sri Aurobindo. CIIS offers  a one year accredited program in Psychedelic assisted therapies and Research.

Faculty for 2019 includes :

  • Janis Phelps Phd Program Director

  • MAPS and its faculty

  • Paul Abramson MD ( UCSF)

  • Anthony Bossis Phd (NYU)

  • Bill Richards Phd ( Hopkins)

  • Dr George Greer MD (Co Founder Heffter Institute)

  • Charles Grob MD  ( Professor, Harbor UCLA ) 

  • Ralph Metzer Phd (CIIS)

  • Michael and Annie Mithoefer ( U South Carolina, Charleston)

  • Stan Grof MD Phd

  • Gabor Mate MD

  • along with their international partners. 

The tenets of the program are rooted in the work of prominent scholars in the field of psychedelic assisted therapies, with an aim towards the mental wellness of all sentient beings. Pete will be bringing his two years of experience with Ketamine assisted therapy and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) utilizing meditation along with supplemental modalities which may enhance the efficacy of psychedelics.

Observing current trends in what has been dubbed the “Psychedelic Renaissance,” Pete expects MDMA (Ecstasy) to be approved first, followed shortly thereafter by Psilocybin within the coming years.

Research in the final phase (Phase 3) of FDA approved studies are currently by being conducted by MAPS. The indications would include PTSD, depression, end of life anxiety and substance abuse, to name a few. 

Ketamine workshop at Helios with Dr. Jennifer Dore MD Palo Alto CA 2019