Psychedelic Sciences

Pete’s interest in psychedelics, which grew out of his initial ayahuasca experiences, has given him the opportunity to communicate with many scientists and anthropologists in the field. Cultures from all over the world such as West Africa, India, the Amazon and Central America have used plant and animal products for spiritual purposes for thousands of years.

Pete has interacted with experts and leading researchers in the field at various scientific conferences as well as in personal communication with scientists from renowned institutions like National Institutes of health USA, Johns Hopkins, NYU, Baylor, The Beckley foundation and many others.

If psychedelics are of interest, whether it be problem solving, disorders of the mind such as PTSD, depression anxiety, or simple spiritual growth, Pete can guide you by providing the most current scientific information, so one can make an educated decision as to which approach would make the most sense.

Pete can provide the legal status of many of these approaches and guide you to the institution in the US and abroad that would suit your requirements.

With new strategies, such as LSD microdosing, the discerning selection of individuals is the key to reaping the benefit of these agents, while maintaining  awareness of the risks, benefits, and alternatives.

Pete with psychedelic pioneer Dennis McKenna in Ibiza, Spain 2014

Pete with psychedelic pioneer Dennis McKenna in Ibiza, Spain 2014

Michael Pollan has written 5 New York Times best sellers including Food Rules; In Defense of Food; and The Omnivore's Dilemma. In this talk, he shares insights and answer questions about psychedelics based on research done for his book "How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence".