Death and Dying

“What is the most amazing of all things?” Yaksha the divine crane, asks Yudhisthira, who answers,

“…death is seen daily by all, yet humans in some way act as though
It will not happen to them. That is the most amazing thing.”

- The Mahabharata

Death, despite its absolute certainty, is an event that one does not acknowledge until it is binding, until it is inescapable.

The angst associated with such an impending event, one that can happen with no warning or foreshadowing, can consume the entirety of a person’s resolve – sometimes to a point in which recovering one’s mental state can be either impossible or extremely challenging.

This angst and regret can be effectively dealt with through the use of psychedelics. A condition that previously was only treatable through heavy sedatives; stifling and numbing the feelings that impair resilience and the ability to return to center – now has well documented alternative treatments.

Depression is a serious illness that has not been combated effectively in current standardized treatment regimens. Psychiatry is still a fundamental portion of treatment of depression, but by supplementing that with psychedelic treatments, the effectiveness and treatment time is reduced by a significant margin.

The use of psychedelics has resulted in a paradigm shift in the treatment of these diseases, and has been unprecedented in the field of psychiatry.

MDMA (ecstasy), LSD, and psilocybin have all been well documented as effective treatments in dealing with depression. FDA trials are currently under way, and in the final stages of approval. Data suggests that these drugs are thus far the only agents in the treatment of depression that can that work effectively and with such pronounced results, in such a short time span. This is something that has previously been unheard of in the field of psychiatry. What was previously regarded to as a “fringe” treatment has now been well documented by the scientific community, and has proven to be an effective treatment.

If a terminal illness is something that affects you or your loved ones, then Pete is able to offer guidance in utilizing the most effective treatment options that are currently available.

Fasting Buddha Statue at Lahore Museum

Fasting Buddha Statue at Lahore Museum

Mt. Kailash, the center of the spiritual universe. Image from Pete’s personal travels.

Mt. Kailash, the center of the spiritual universe. Image from Pete’s personal travels.


Anthony Bossis PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, talks on Psilocybin.

All conditioned things are impermanent. Work out your won salvation with diligence.
— The last words of The Buddha